What are little man is up to lately....

It's been some time lately since I have brought everyone up to date on just what our Gunnar is doing.

  • At his 12mo appointment he weighed 21lbs 5oz and was 29 in. long. It still kills me when he gets his shots...I make Jeremy be by him for the stick and I'm there to comfort him when it's all done. Oh man, and the blood draw this time. No bueno!
  • Is walking, but no very confidently. He will walk across the room when he's coming to either Jeremy or I, but only takes a about 3-4 steps between furniture pieces when he's on his own. He still likes to hold onto my finger when he walks. In fact, when I start to pull it away he stops, grabs my finger with his other hand and puts it back where he firmly has a grip on it. Crawling is his main means of transport and he's very fast and efficient!
  • The kid will eat anything, and I love now that I don't really have to cook something different for him from what Jeremy and I are eating.
  • He still loves his pacifier and bottle. We are going to go cold turkey on his bottle in a couple weeks when Jeremy becomes Mr. Mom since he's out of school and can be the one to work with him. Our pediatrician said we could talk about the paci next visit.
  • He loves to wave...at anyone. The other day we were in the driveway and he was waving ecstatically to the cars passing by.
  • Opens and closes EVERYTHING. He especially loves the bathroom drawers and the pantry!
  • Loves to swing and go down the slide.
  • Loves to watch the videos of him on my phone. He thinks it's funny when he's laughing or dancing!
  • In the last month, he has went from 4 to 9 teeth so our sleep schedule has been a little off the past couple of weeks. Our whole family is not a fan of cutting teeth!
  • For the most part, he's a pretty happy kiddo. I say for the most part because boy does he have a temper sometime!
We look forward to seeing everyone very soon! We will be in OK this July for almost 2 weeks!!! Can't Wait!!

These are just a few pics that I took of G on his birthday!

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About This Blog

This blog is mainly for friends and family to keep an eye on our family. We are unfortunately so far from many loved ones, but are very blessed to be able to keep everyone up to date through this blog. The Lord has truly blessed my family and I, and I would love to be able to share all those blessings. God bless

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