Growing up, oh so fast!

  • We put our house on the market.
  • Jeremy got a promotion to an administrative position at another high school in the district he was teaching.
  • We got an offer on our house!!!
Lately, most of our time after Gunnar has gone to bed has been dedicated to cleaning up the messes he easily seems to make when we get home for the evening. It has been a lot of work! Nice to have a spotless house...which is a rarity until lately! So please think and say a prayer for us with the current offer! We are very excited!

Our guy continues to keep us on our toes and is full of excitement. At his 15mo appt, he is right about 23 lbs and 31 inches. He is taking after his daddy in that he continually bumps his head a few times daily. Though, I'm not sure I can quite blame this all on his daddy as my own dad nicknamed me SB as a child. Stumble butt.

He is trying hard to say many things. My favorite word right now...outside. I don't think he could get any more excited about a word.

He loves to hide. It has become a routine after his bathtime. His favorite hiding place is right behind the rocking chair. Though usually he won't let us find him. He'll peek his little (who are I kidding...big but precious) head around and just laugh and then peek to the other side.

Loves to dance. Favorite song is easily the Hot Dog Dance on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He will run to the tv if he hears it in another room. Jeremy and I have quite easily mastered each of the characters dances. We would be happy to help you learn.

He is also still trying to master jumping. He gets down real low and then pops up. He hasn't quite got both feet off the ground yet though.

Clearly, we love HIM!

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About This Blog

This blog is mainly for friends and family to keep an eye on our family. We are unfortunately so far from many loved ones, but are very blessed to be able to keep everyone up to date through this blog. The Lord has truly blessed my family and I, and I would love to be able to share all those blessings. God bless

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